Having a Problem? (continued)
Probable Cause & Solution
I. tf the opener lights blink, check the safety reversing sensor, See page 23,
won't close: 2. It the opener _ights do not b_inkand: it is a new installation check the down force.
See Adjustment Step 2, page 29. For an existing installation, see below,
Repeat the safety reverse test after the adjustment ,is complete;
me door reveres for 1 Is something obstructing timed@or?Puli the red emergency retease handle. Operate
the door manua{ly. It it is unbalanced or binding, cali for professional garage doer
don't blink:- 2, Clear armyJoe or snow from the garage floor area where the door closes.
3. Review the force adjustment procedures on page 29.
4. _fdoor reverses in the tufty ctosed posit on, decrease the travel limits (page 28),
Repeat safety reverse test a£ter a_iustments to force or travel limits. The nc_d
for occasional adjustment of the force and limff ,settings is normal Weather
conditions in particular can affect door travel.
_e door rever_s for Check the safety reversing sensor_ Remove any obstruction or a_ign_he receiving eye
See page 23.
biiek for S _ds
.... don't turn on:
Replace the light bulbs (75 watts m_imum) Use a standard neck garage door opener
bulb it regular bu{b bums out
, , don't turn off:
/s the Light feature on? Turn it off.
The opener strains or The door may be out of bal&_'_;eor the spdngs are broken C_ose the d_r art_ u_> the
maximum force is emergen@, televise to di_;onne_ the trolley, Open and cio_ _e d_r m_-_ual/y. A property
beJan_d d_r will stay in _y p®int of _ave_ while _ing sup_d6<l entireb/by its spdr_s. If it
door: d_s not_disconnect _e o_ner _nd c_/I a professional ga_@e de_r _eviceman, Do not
increase the force to o_te t,5e o_nero
The opener motor 1 The garage door spdngs are broken, See above.
hums briefly, then 2, It the prob_ern _rs on the first operation of the opener, dc_r may be k_kc_£ DL_sbte
won't work: the door/_k: If the chain was removed and reinstaIl_J, the motor may be out of phase.
Remove t_hechain; cycte the motor to the down _aition Obsewe the drive spr_Ket.
When _ turns in a citY, vise direction e_d stops in _nedown _s_ion, reins_!_ the ehan,
Repeat the safety reverse test after the adjustment is complete,
1, U99the emerger>_y re}e_e to dis@nne_ iXe trolley. _r_e_@r _ _ o[_en_ a_.t cbs_S
operate due to manually W_en lf_e r_wer is restore, pre_ __eW_[ _ntrot pash _ &qd troliey wilt
power failure: automaticJy r_nned (unle_ trolley is in _;ko_ posi_on.) See _ge 32,
2 The Emergency Key Re_ease accessory (for use on garages with no service d_r)
disconnects the trolley from outside the garage in case of power failure.
The chain droops It is norma_ for the chain to droop slightly in the c!osed d_r position° Use the
or sags: emergency release to disconnect the trolley, It the chain returns to norma_ height when
the trolley is disengaged and the door reverses on a one@_ch board, no adjustments
are needed (see page 11)