
Kyle Form 5, Form 5 UDP, Form 5 DC NOVA Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions
Standard and UDP Control DIF Module 2
The 12 outputs of the DIF Module are Form C relay contacts. Six of the outputs are latching and six are non-latching.
Note: Contacts shown in inactive mode.
Output Connector Function Type Description
1 P3-1 (NC) Control Lockout Non-Latched
P3-2 (NO)
2 P3-3 (NC) Check Battery Non-Latched
P3-4 (NO)
3 P3-5 (NC) Reverse Power Flow Non-Latched
P3-6 (NO)
4 P3-7 (NC) Fast Trips Disabled Non-Latched
P3-8 (NO)
5 P3-9 (NC) Operation Counter Non-Latched
P3-10 (NO)
6 P3-11 (NC) Recloser Malfunction Non-Latched
P3-12 (NO)
7 P2-1 (NO) Bushings 1-2 Fault Target Latched
P2-2 (NC)
8 P2-3 (NO) Bushings 3-4 Fault Target Latched
P2-4 (NC)
9 P2-5 (NO) Bushings 5-6 Fault Target Latched
P2-6 (NC)
10 P2-7 (NO) Ground Fault Target Latched
P2-8 (NC)
11 P2-9 (NO) Sensitive Ground Fault Target Latched
P2-10 (NC)
12 P2-11 (NO) Sensitive Ground Fault Blocked Latched
P2-12 (NC)
This output is active when the CONTROL LOCKOUT
indicator is illuminated.
This output is active when the CHECK BATTERY indi-
cator is illuminated.
This output is active when the REVERSE POWER
FLOW indicator is illuminated.
This output is active when the FAST TRIPS DIS-
ABLED indicator is illuminated.
If the Supervisory function is enabled, this output is
active when the OPERATION COUNTER OFF inputs
from Comm Port 1-DIF2, Comm Port 2 and Comm Port
3 are not active.
This output is active when the RECLOSER MAL-
FUNCTION indicator is illuminated.
This output is active when the BUSHINGS 1-2 FAULT
TARGET indicator is illuminated.
This output is active when the BUSHINGS 3-4 FAULT
TARGET indicator is illuminated.
This output is active when the BUSHINGS 5-6 FAULT
TARGET indicator is illuminated.
Output is active when the GROUND FAULT TARGET
indicator is illuminated.
Output is active when the SENSITIVE GROUND
FAULT TARGET indicator is illuminated.
Output is active when Sensitive Ground Fault is