
113904 – System Users Manual
Table 5.4 Program Functions
Parameter Format Factory Default
Date MM/DD/YY (Month, Date, Year) Current Date
Time HH/MM (Hours, Minutes) Eastern Stand Time
Monthly Test Date DD (Date) 15
of the Month
Monthly Test Time HH/MM (Hours, Minutes) 5:00
Yearly Test Date MM (Month) 01
Yearly Test Time HH/MM (Hours, Minutes) 8:00
Load Reduction AAAA(Amps) 0.0A
Low VAC Alarm VVVV(Volts) 1.0V
High VAC Alarm VVVV(Volts) 999.9V
Ambient Temp Alarm DDD(Degrees Centigrade) 70°C
Near Low Battery VVVV(Volts) 43VDC
Near Low Battery Voltage is in VVVV (Volts). The last digit entered is after the decimal
place. I.E. (430 + ENTER) will register 43.0VDC.
Load Reduction Fault is in AAAA (Amps). The last digit entered is after the decimal place.
I.E. (480 + ENTER) will register 48.0 Amps. If the output current under battery power is 1
0 percent below this number, the alarm will be set.
Low AC Voltage Alarm is in VVVV (Volts). The last digit entered is after the decimal
place. I.E. (1200 + ENTER) will register 120.0 Volts. If the Input AC Voltage goes below
this number the alarm will be set.
High AC Voltage Alarm is similar to Low AC Voltage Alarm.
Ambient Temperature Alarm is in DDD (Degrees Centigrade). I.E. (75 + ENTER) will
register 75 deg. C. When the ambient temperature internal to the inverter enclosure goes
above the set point the alarm will be set.