
Safety First: The primary concern of ConvaQuip is that this equipment be operated and
maintained with the safety of the user in mind. To assure safe and reliable operation.
1. Read this manual before operating your equipment.
2. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to assure that appropriate personnel are in
formed on the contents of this manual.
3. Be sure that you understand the instructions contained in this manual before at
tempting to operate this equipment.
4. This manual should remain permanently af?xed to this equipment.
Throughout this manual there are warnings that call attention to particular procedures.
The items are used as follows:
A WARNING is used for an operating procedure, practice, or condition which, if not fol
lowed correctly, could result in personal injury.
For your personal safety and that of your personnel, WARNINGS are repeated here.
Become throughly familiar with them and observe them at all times.
1. Failure to properly install accessories could result in personal injury or equip
ment damage.
2. Failure to engage the steering swivel lock while transporting patients could
result in personal injury or equipment damage.
3. Failure to seek assistance when transporting patients up or down inclines could
result in loss of control and subsequent personal injury or equipment damage.
4. Failure to make sure the chair does not roll with the brakes engaged could result
in personal injury or equipment damage.
5. Failure to engage the brakes when chair is unattended could result in personal
injury or equipment damage.
6. Do not use the footrest as a step when getting into or out of the chair. The foot
rest should be in its folded position to avoid tripping the patient. This may result
sult in personal injury or or result in personal injury or equipment damage.
7. NEVER exceed the weight limit of 850 pounds exceeding weight limit may cause
personal damage or equipment damage.
8. Failure to use side rails and not testing the latch could result in personal injury.
9. Caster locks are not designed to stop the chair in motion.