RMI 00001 Minimum valid dump rate GRAMS/sec. (full or tenth grams)
NMI 00001 Error correction is bypassed when dispense rate is lower.
CMI 00001
AMI 00001
On power up, these are always set to 1. After several consistent
cycles, they are reset to 80 percent of actual flow rate. These
prevent excessive swings in flow rate calculations if material is
running out.
RNC 00050 Allowable GRAM error within which NO correction is made.
NNC 00050
CNC 00010
ANC 00010
This is the acceptable error range for each component to prevent
hunting. They adjust automatically over an extended time period
to match the flow characteristics of each material.
RRP 00010 PERCENT shortage error that will force a retry.
NRP 00010
CRP 00010
ARP 00010
RRD 00500 GRAM weight shortage error that will force a retry.
NRD 00500
CRD 00050
ARD 00050
Both RP and RD limits must be met before system will advance to
the next component. Retries occur until both conditions are met.
RLA 00020 Lag TIME before dumping ACTUALLY starts.
NLA 00020 (mechanical response time, interrupts)
CLA 00012
ALA 00012
These parameters state the lag time between when a device is
signaled and when it actually begins to operate.
Change ONLY if you change to non-standard equipment.
PRC 00010 Maximum allowable PERCENT rate change per cycle.
This prevents excessive swings in flow rates. Do not change.
STL 00244 Dispense settle TIME before a weight reading is taken.
The time (interrupts) allowed for material to SETTLE in the weigh
bin before a weight is taken. Lengthen only to slow the next
cycle start, thereby lowering the pile of material in the mix
chamber, and, in some cases, improving mixing.
LCL 00027 LOAD CELL limits, low slope, high slope, frequency, zero.
LCH 00039 DO NOT CHANGE except for different weight load cells.
LCF 00079
LCZ 00583
These parameters relate to the characteristics of the LOAD CELLS
on your blender. DO NOT CHANGE THEM.
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