
January 2002 2-9
A thermal (temperature) probe is connected
to the MTEK6000 by a 6-foot (2-meter)
cable. You should coil excess cable to
prevent possible damage. The probe is
designed to fit into standard Metretek, Inc.
thermowells. Optional 15-foot (4.5 meter)
and 30-foot (9-meter) cables are available.
See Fig 2-10.
To install the thermal probe, use the supplied
temperature probe adapter. Refer to Table
2-1. Insert the probe into the thermowell and
tighten the securing nut FINGER TIGHT
only. The standard adapter is a ½” fitting.
Users retrofitting instruments requiring the
” adapter can order the adapter from
Metretek, Inc.
Oil or ethylene glycol (antifreeze) should be
used to improve heat transfer from the
thermowell to the thermal probe. Be aware,
however, that it is possible to cause hydraulic
crushing of the probe. This can happen when
there is little or no air in the thermowell
above the probe. When the probe is fastened
by tightening the securing nut, the space in
the well decreases as the probe enters. As a
result, hydraulic pressure may rise high
enough to cause damage. If you use oil or
antifreeze, make sure there is enough air
in the thermowell above the fluid to
prevent crushing the probe.
It is recommended that the thermowell be
installed in the meter outlet pipe one or two
diameters from the meter outlet. The
insertion length of the thermowell must be
sufficient to extend at least to the pipe center,
but no further than 75% of the pipe’s
diameter. Thermowells should not be situated
where they will be exposed to direct sunlight.
A sunshield should be used for installations
where this cannot be avoided.
Table 2-1: Thermowell Part Numbers
Pipe Size Insertion
Part Number
4 in.
2 ½ in. 5340-0373 ½” NPT
5340-0377 ¾” NPT
5340-0384 1” NPT
6 in.
8 in.
4 ½ in. 5340-0372 ½” NPT
5340-0376 ¾” NPT
5340-0383 1” NPT
12 in.
14 in.
7 ½ in. 5340-0371 ½” NPT
5340-0375 ¾” NPT
5340-0379 1” NPT
16 in.
20 in.
10 ½ in. 5340-0370 ½” NPT
5340-0374 ¾” NPT
5340-0378 1” NPT
Figure 2- 8 Temperature Probe Connection