
b. For each wwidn line, record the unit number (131, 132, and 133)
and worldwide name for the storage unit. The unit number is the
first field in the display (after wwidn). The Nn value is the HSG80
port being used to access the storage units (controller B, port 2).
c. Clear the wwidn and Nn environment variables:
wwidmgr -clear all
d. Initialize the console:
P00>>> init
e. Use the wwid manager with the -quickset option to set up the
device and port path information for the storage units that each
system will need to boot from. Each system may need to boot from
the base operating system disk. Each system will need to boot
from its member system boot disk. Using the storage units from
the example, cluster member 1 will need access to the storage units
with UDIDs 131 (member 1 boot disk) and 133 (Tru64 UNIX disk).
Cluster member 2 will need access to the storage units with UDIDs
132 (member 2 boot disk) and 133 (Tru64 UNIX disk). Set up the
device and port path for cluster member 1 as follows:
P00>>> wwidmgr -quickset -udid 131
P00>>> wwidmgr -quickset -udid 133
f. Initialize the console:
P00>>> init
g. Verify that the storage units and port path information is set up,
and then reinitialize the console. The following example shows the
information for cluster member 1:
P00>>> wwidmgr -show ev
wwid0 133 1 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-0000-0d60-0009-8080-0434-002e
wwid1 131 1 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-0000-0d60-0009-8080-0434-002f
N1 50001fe100000d64
N2 50001fe100000d62
N3 50001fe100000d63
N4 50001fe100000d61
P00>>> init
h. Set the bootdef_dev console environment variable to the member
system boot device. Use the paths shown in the reachability display
658 Using Fibre Channel Storage