Chapter 5 Configuring the Internal Ethernet Adapter for TCP/IP
where spike is the Internal Ethernet Adapter’s IP name and d1prn
is the destination.
Printing Via the Spooler
Once you know your communications are correct and you can
successfully print directly to the printer, you can integrate the spooler.
Interface scripts play important roles in BSD spooling environments and
especially with System V print spoolers. BSD systems also provide a
remote printing method utilizing the spooler but needs no script or host
The following sections elaborate on different spooling environments
and provide the steps for full host configuration in various
environments. ezsetup or npconfig can be used in most cases to
simplify the process.
npr.if Interface Script
The npr.if interface script provided works in most environments, but
can be replaced by a custom interface script if you have other
requirements. It is usually a UNIX script which reads the parameters
from the command line, processes the job according to the parameters,
and sends it to the destination.
Two interface scripts, nprbsd.if and nprsysv.if, are shipped in the raw
state. Load the appropriate script for your system spooler type and use
it in this state if the Internal Ethernet Adapter can do sufficient
processing. The Internal Ethernet Adapter contains enough processing
options, when they are activated, to handle most processing needs
without the need of host software. Thus, host software may be
unnecessary and you may turn off all processing options on the host.
NOTE: If you require high-speed printing, use one of the interface
scripts with the host processing turned on. This removes
processing load from the Internal Ethernet Adapter and
increases printing throughput.
Both ezsteup and npconfig utilizes the appropriate interface script by
renaming it to npr
.if, where
is the name of
the printer on the host.