ENWW Edit Other Links 35
Adding a link
Use this procedure to add a link.
1 Under Add Link, type the URL and the name of the link as you would like it to appear in the
HP Embedded Web Server.
2 Click Add Link.
Removing a link
Use this procedure to remove a link.
1 Under User-defined Links, select the link or links that you would like to remove.
2 Click Remove Selected Link.
Other Links hp instant support Connect to Web resources that help you to
solve specific problems and determine what
additional services are available for your
product. (Detailed information, including
serial number, error conditions, and status,
is forwarded to HP Customer Care.
Hewlett-Packard Company treats this
information as confidential.)
Order Supplies Connect to a Web page that facilitates
online ordering of supplies from a reseller of
your choice.
Product Support Gain access to specific product help from
the HP Web site.
Show Me How Get step-by-step instructions for performing
specific tasks on your HP product.
My Service Provider Connect to the home page of your service
provider. This link appears only if the
service provider has configured it.
My Service Contract Connect to a page that shows the terms
and limits of your service contract. This link
appears only if the service provider has
configured it.
Callout Area on the screen Information or capability that the area provides