
Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
The Controls menu includes options for audio playback, including
Play/Stop, Fast Forward and Rewind (for time periods of 10 seconds, 1
minute, 10 minutes, and 1 hour), Skip to Previous Section, and Skip to
Next Section.
The Bookmarks option can be used to Create a Bookmark or Skip to
Next Bookmark. The bookmarks you create are listed in numerical order.
To go to a bookmarked point in an audio program, tap the bookmark then
tap the Play/Start button.
The Select button lists all of the stored audio programs and allows you to
select one.
Additional Playback Time
Each hour of playback time requires approximately 2MB of memory. You
can use a CompactFlash storage card to increase the memory of your
device. A 16MB CompactFlash card, for instance, will allow nearly 8
hours of playback time.