
E-6 System Board Jumpers and Switches
Writer: Holly Jahangiri Saved by: Holly Jahangiri Saved date: 07/03/97 10:09 AM
Pages: 6 Words: 649 Template: d:\95office\templates\commapp.dot
File Name Appe.doc Part Number 278019-002
3. Replace the cover and tighten the thumbscrews on the rear
4. Turn the computer on.
5. Run the Computer Setup utility to reconfigure the system.
Refer to Chapter 3, "Using Compaq Utilities." If the system
configuration is incorrect, your computer may not work
properly and you may receive error messages on the screen.
When the CMOS jumper is removed, your password will become
invalid because the password is stored in the configuration
memory. You will need to reset your password.