
MMooddee FFuunnccttiioonnss aanndd
GGeenneerraall SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss
Comes Close to a Cobra
MMooddee//LLoocckk BBuuttttoonn
KKeeyyssttrrookkee TToonneess OOnn
CChhaannnneell BBuuttttoonnss
MMooddee//LLoocckk BBuuttttoonn
RRooggeerr BBeeeepp OOnn
CChhaannnneell BBuuttttoonnss
Customer Assistance WarrantyIntroduction
General Specifications
FFRRSS//GGMMRRSS FFrreeqquueennccyy
AAllllooccaattiioonn aanndd CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy
Please note that Cobra GMRS models with 15 Channels may
designate different channel numbers for the same frequency. For example,
a Cobra15 Channel GMRS model would need to be tuned to Channel 11
in order to communicate with a 22 Channel GMRS tuned to Channel 15.
Please refer to the chart below for channel/ frequency number compatibility.
AA == CChhaannnneell NNoo.. ffoorr 2222 CChhaannnneell FFRRSS//GGMMRRSS MMooddeellss
BB == CChhaannnneell NNoo.. ffoorr 1155 CChhaannnneell GGMMRRSS MMooddeel
CC == TTyyppee ooff RRaaddiioo SSeerrvviiccee
DD == FFrreeqquueennccyy iinn MMHHzz
EE == PPoowweerr OOuuttppuutt
1 1 FRS/GMRS 462.5625 High or Low
2 2 FRS/GMRS 462.5875 High or Low
3 3 FRS/GMRS 462.6125 High or Low
4 4 FRS/GMRS 462.6375 High or Low
5 5 FRS/GMRS 462.6625 High or Low
6 6 FRS/GMRS 462.6875 High or Low
7 7 FRS/GMRS 462.7125 High or Low
8 FRS 467.5625 Low
9 FRS 467.5875 Low
10 FRS 467.6125 Low
11 FRS 467.6375 Low
12 FRS 467.6625 Low
13 FRS 467.6875 Low
14 FRS 467.7125 Low
15 11 GMRS 462.5500 High or Low
16 8 GMRS 462.5750 High or Low
17 12 GMRS 462.6000 High or Low
18 9 GMRS 462.6250 High or Low
19 13 GMRS 462.6500 High or Low
20 10 GMRS 462.6750 High or Low
21 14 GMRS 462.7000 High or Low
22 15 GMRS 462.7250 High or Low
Roger Beep Confirmation Tone
Roger Beep is an audible tone that your listener will hear when you
release the Talk button. This alerts the other party that you are
finished talking and it is OK for them to speak.
To turn roger beep on or off:
1. Press the Mode button until the Roger Beep
icon flashes on the display. The current on
or off setting is displayed.
2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Down
button to select roger beep on or off.
3. Choose one of the following:
a. Press the Mode/Lock button to enter
the new setting and proceed to other
b. Press the Enter/Hi•Low button to enter the
new setting and return to Standby mode.
Keystroke Tones
With Keystroke Tones turned on, your radio will sound
beeps each time you press a button or change a setting.
To change keystroke tones:
1. Press the Mode/Lock button until the
Keystroke Tones icon flashes on the display.
The current on or off setting is displayed.
2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Down
button to turn keystroke tones on or off.
3. Choose one of the following:
a. Press the Mode/Lock button to enter the
new setting and return to Standby mode.
b. Press the Enter/Hi•Low button to enter the
new setting and return to Standby mode.