Section V Maintenance and Adjustment
The COBRA 148 GTL ST transceiver is specifically designed for the environment
encountered in mobile installations. The use of all solid state circuitry and its light
weight result in high reliability. Should a failure occur, however, replace parts
only with identical parts. Do not substitute. Refer to the schematic diagram and
parts list.
If the performance described in the OPERATION and MAINTENANCE
AND ADJUSTMENT sections is not obtained, review the operating
instructions to insure that proper procedures were followed. If a problem
still exists, refer to WARRANTY SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS elsewhere in
this manual.
Replacement or substitution of transistors, regular diodes or other parts of
a unique nature, with parts other than those recommended by Cobra ,
m ay cause violation of the technical regulations of Part 95 of the FCC
Rules, or violation of Type Acceptance requirements of Part 2 of the
R u l e s .
Citizens Band (CB) Radio operators are no longer required to obtain an
FCC license to operate their CB equipment or provide station identification.
N e vertheless, an operator of a CB radio station is still required to comply
with the communications act and with the rules of CB Radio Opera t i o n .
How SoundTracker Works
While previous systems only “blanked out” or limited noise in higher sound fre-
quencies, the revolutionary new SoundTracker System actually reduces noise
while leaving the signal intact in the reception mode. In the transmission mode, it
actually strengthens the signal, providing you with a significant reduction in noise
on reception and transmission.
Sound clarity is measured by the ratio of the signal level to the noise
level. The higher the signal-to-noise ratio, the better the sound.
On Reception–“Cuts Noise Coming In”
With a normal CB, distant signals fall below the squelch level and are unintelligi-
ble. With a SoundTracker CB, the noise level is cut by up to 90%, which increas-
es the signal-to-noise ratio and dramatically improves signal clarity. This also
allows you to significantly reduce the squelch level, which greatly expands your
listening range.
On Tra n s m i s s i o n – “S t rengthens Signals Going Out”
A SoundTracker CB strengthens the transmit signal by more effectively using the
available RF power output of the CB.The result is improved transmission signal
clarity and an expanded transmission range.
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