2.4 Building the Wall, First Row
2.4.2 Building a Banner, Upside Down
It is possible to hang a single row of Margays upside down to make a banner. Be sure the ceiling can
hold them.
Clarity does not provide any special brackets to hang
a Margay upside down. There are too many variables
to consider, so the method to use is best determined
on site.
Whatever you use to attach Margays overhead, it
must be capable of sustaining five (5) times the
weight of a Margay, which is 68 lbs or 30.8 kg. The
mounting system must therefore hold 340 lbs or 154
kg for each Margay.
You may use the screen supports to cover part of
the Margay, but they are not necessary in the upside
down configuration.
Inverting the picture and menus
In the Miscellaneous menu (under Advanced
Options) check Inverted Installation. This one check
mark inverts the picture and the menus. It also
reverses the left-right of the optical engine alignment
motors so left and right will be correct for you.
Screens when inverted
The screen supports, which normally hold screens
up, will now be above the row of screens. You may
wish to devise some way to push the screens up from
the bottom to press them against this support to pre-
vent a gap.
It is not necessary, of course, to use the screen sup-
port parts in an inverted installation.