Menu Options and Message in Picture Options
Menu Item Description Setting(s)
H and V Position The position of the on-screen menus. H: 0-150
V: 0-100
Rotate Menu Rotates the menu for Portrait orientation. It does not rotate the picture.
See “Advanced Options” on page 52.
None, clockwise, counter-
Menu Timeout Menus disappear after this time when there is no remote control activity. 5 seconds to Never Time
Out, which means menus
do not disappear.
Recall Last MIP Displays the last Message In Picture that was displayed.
Timeout Determines how long this message will be displayed. 0-120 seconds
0 seconds means it will
not time out.
To learn the complete MIP system and how to control it:
Go to www.ClarityVisual.com
Click on LOGIN in upper right banner
Click on lower, blue LOGIN NOW button
User name: tech
Password: help
Look in the Technical Support section under Bobcat X