33 Binatone Help Line: 0845 345 9677 (for UK only. Local Call rate)
Go Home
Tapping this option will directly navigate you to your home address without having to
tap any other keys or enter an address. This is a very useful button as your home
address will be the destination which is navigated to the most.
Note; In order to use this feature you have to enter you home address first,
this can be done from the settings menu. Alternatively if you select the feature
without setting your home address, the unit will ask you if you wish to set it
Edit Favourites
Opens the Favourites List, from here you can
add, edit, delete and view your favourite
locations on the map. A favourite location is a
location which you can enter into the list,
which can then be quickly used for navigation
purposes when entering in a
waypoint/destination. You can add a total of
100 favourites to the list.
When you first open the Favourites List it will
be empty and you must first add an entry.
Tap to add a new entry to the favourites list. You will be shown the Search from
screen as when entering a waypoint/destination to navigate to. The only difference is
that you will not be able to choose favourites from this list. Select the location of your
favourite in exactly the same way as described in the Navigate to section (see page
22). After confirming the location the display will change to the Edit Favourites
The address field will show the
information you have just selected.
Tap Name the screen will change to
show a keypad, you can now enter a
name for your favourite.
Tap Tel: the screen will change to
show a keypad, you can now enter a
telephone number for your favourite.
Tap Note the screen will change to
show a keypad, you can now enter a
note for your favourite.
It is not a requirement that you enter additional information for the favourite entry,
when it is saved the address will be used as the name automatically if it has not
been entered.
Location - This cannot be changed, but shows the location of your favourite as a
longitude and latitude co-ordinates.