Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 26 Configuring IGMP Snooping and MVR
Displaying MVR Information
To return the interface to its default settings, use the no mvr [type | immediate | vlan vlan-id | group]
interface configuration commands.
This example shows how to configure a port as a recei
ver port, statically configure the port to receive
multicast traffic sent to the multicast group address, configure Immediate Leave on the port, and verify
the results.
Switch(config)# mvr
Switch(config)# interface gigabit
Switch(config-if)# mvr type recei
Switch(config-if)# mvr vlan 22 gr
Switch(config-if)# mvr immediate
Switch(config)# end
Switch# s
how mvr interface
Port Type Status Immediate Leave
---- ---- ------- ---------------
Displaying MVR Information
You can display MVR information for the switch or for a specified interface.
Step 8
show mvr
show mvr interface
show mvr members
Verify the configuration.
Step 9
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose
Ta ble 26-6 Commands for Displaying MVR Information
Command Purpose
show mvr Displays MVR status and values for the swi
tch—whether MVR is enabled or disabled,
the multicast VLAN, the maximum (256) and current (0 through 256) number of
multicast groups, the query response time, and the MVR mode.
show mvr interface [int
[members [vlan vlan-id]]
Displays all MVR interfaces and their MVR configurations.
When a specific interface is enter
ed, displays this information:
• Type—Receiver or Source
• Status—One of these:
Active means the port is part of a VLAN.
Up/Down means that the port is forwarding or nonforwarding.
Inactive means that the port is not part of any VLAN.
• Immediate Leave—Enabled or Disabled
If the members k
eyword is entered, displays all multicast group members on this port or,
if a VLAN identification is entered, all multicast group members on the VLAN. The
VLAN ID range is 1 to 1001 and 1006 to 4094.
show mvr members [i
p-address] Displays all receiver and source ports that are members of any IP multicast group or the
specified IP multicast group IP address.