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10. Reset the standby supervisor engine.
Sup-A> (enable) reset 2
The standby supervisor engine reboots with the new Cisco Catalyst OS image, remains in standby mode, and does not affect
the operation of the active supervisor.
11. After the standby supervisor reboots, verify that it is running the new Cisco Catalyst OS image.
Sup-A> (enable) show module
The standby supervisor engine should show the new software version and it should be different from the version on theactive
supervisor engine.
12. Verify that the two different Cisco Catalyst OS images are high-availability compatible.
Sup-A> (enable) show system highavailability
For the high-availability switchover to occur, the operational status of the High Availability feature must be ON. If it is not,
the system will be upgraded with a fast switchover (nonstateful) and the protocols will need to be restarted.
13. Reset the active supervisor engine. You will need to change the console connection to the supervisor engine in slot 2
(Sup-B) to maintain command line operation.
Sup-A> (enable) reset 1
Thestandby supervisorenginenowtakes overas theactivesupervisor engine(runningnewsoftware) andthepreviouslyactive
supervisor engine is rebooted to operate in standby mode. This failover will disrupt a slight amount of traffic through the
device;the amountof traffic thatis affected dependson whethera high-availability switchoveror a fast switchovertakes place.
14. Verify the system is performing as expected. The supervisor engine in slot 2 is now active and running the new version of
the Cisco Catalyst OS software. The supervisor engine in slot 1 is now in standby mode and running the previous version
of software. The newstandby supervisorengine can now be used asa fallbackplan to revertto the previous CiscoCatalyst
OS image.
15. If the system is operating as expected, the boot configuration on the standby supervisor engine (now Sup-A) will need to
be updated. This can be accomplished by disabling versioning on the new active supervisor engine, which automatically
enables the image synchronization feature.
Sup-B> (enable) set system highavailability versioning disable
Sup-B> (enable) reset 1
The supervisor engine Cisco Catalyst OS software upgrade procedure is now complete.
MSFC High Availability Features
The MSFC routing engine is an optional daughter card in the supervisor engine and is available in two versions, MSFC and
MSFC2 (see MSFC data sheet for configuration requirements). A redundant supervisor hardware configuration can also
include redundant MSFCrouting engines. As such,the proper operation ofthe MSFC is predicatedby proper operationof the
supervisor engine. A supervisor reset or failover will also reset the MSFC routing engine.
The Cisco Catalyst OS High Availability feature maintains the protocol state between redundant supervisor engines, but the
dual MSFCs operate under the DRMand SRM redundancy modes. Ciscorecommends that you enable the CiscoCatalyst OS
High Availability feature when you run either MSFC redundancy mode.