Using Basic Call Management Functions
Accessing Voicemail
Cisco Small Business SPA50X and SPA51X Series SIP IP Phone User Guide 47
STEP 3 Enter a numeric password. Enter the same password again to verify the accuracy.
STEP 4 Press save.
Accessing Voicemail
To access voicemail, press the Messages button on your phone. Your system
administrator should configure your phone with the correct voicemail number so
that pressing the Messages button automatically dials your voicemail system.
If you need to change the number for your voicemail (for example, if your phone is
not part of a Cisco Voice System and you have external voicemail), perform the
following steps:
STEP 1 Press the Setup button.
STEP 2 Scroll to Voice Mail and press select.
STEP 3 Enter the number to dial for voicemail. For a Cisco Voice System, this is normally
vmm. For an external system, enter the phone number, including any digits that
must be dialed to reach an outside line.
To clear the field of a previous entry, press clear. To enter letters, press the Right
navigation button to scroll, then press the alpha softkey.
STEP 4 Press save.