VLAN Management
Voice and Media
Cisco Small Business SG200 Series 8-port Smart Switch 112
• The type of the original default VLAN is changed from Default to Static, and
it can be deleted. One exception is VLAN 1. Even if it is no longer designated
as the default VLAN, VLAN 1 cannot be deleted.
To s e l e c t a d e f a u l t V L A N :
STEP 1 Click VLAN Management > Default VLAN Settings in the navigation window.
STEP 2 Select the VLAN from the list.
STEP 3 Click Apply.
Voice and Media
Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) allows using a computer data network for
voice telephone calls. With the increased deployment of delay-sensitive
applications such as VoIP in modern networks, proper QoS configuration is
needed to ensure high-quality performance. The Voice and Media feature
provides a simple classification mechanism for voice packets so that they can be
prioritized above data packets.
The Voice and Media feature identifies VoIP streams in Ethernet switches and
provides them with a better Class-of-Service (CoS) than ordinary traffic. The
switch supports two types of Voice and Media:
• Protocol-based—Identifies a VoIP session using the Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) and H.323 control traffic, and assigns these packets the
highest priority on the voice VLAN.
• OUI-based—Ports that are enabled for this feature automatically become
members of the configured voice VLAN. The switch detects
Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) values in the first three bytes of the
MAC addresses in client packets to classify them on the VoIP VLAN and
prioritize them on the Auto VoIP-enabled ports.
These topics for more information on the configuration pages available in VLAN
Management > Voice and Media:
• Displaying and Adding Telephony OUI
• Configuring OUI Based Voice and Media
• Configuring SIP/H323 Based Voice and Media