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Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardware Installation and Reference Guide
Chapter 6 Managing the Device Hardware
Information About Module Temperature
If you do not have a standby supervisor module in your device, you have 2 minutes to decrease
the temperature. During this interval, the software monitors the temperature every 5 seconds
and continuously sends system messages as configured.
Tip We recommend that you install dual supervisor modules. If you are using a Cisco Nexus 7000
Series device without dual supervisor modules, we recommend that you immediately replace the
fan module if just one fan is not working.
Note A threshold value of –127 indicates that no thresholds are configured or applicable.
Displaying Module Temperature
You can display temperature readings for module temperature sensors by using the show environment
temperature command. See
Example 6-6.
Example 6-6 Displaying Temperature Information for Hardware
switch# show environment temperature
Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status
(Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius)
1 Crossbar(s5) 105 95 60 Ok
1 QEng1Sn1(s12) 115 110 70 Ok
1 QEng1Sn2(s13) 115 110 68 Ok
1 QEng1Sn3(s14) 115 110 67 Ok
1 QEng1Sn4(s15) 115 110 68 Ok
1 QEng2Sn1(s16) 115 110 70 Ok
1 QEng2Sn2(s17) 115 110 68 Ok
1 QEng2Sn3(s18) 115 110 68 Ok
1 QEng2Sn4(s19) 115 110 68 Ok
1 L2Lookup(s27) 115 105 57 Ok
1 L3Lookup(s28) 120 110 62 Ok
2 Crossbar(s5) 105 95 65 Ok
2 QEng1Sn1(s12) 115 110 70 Ok
2 QEng1Sn2(s13) 115 110 68 Ok
2 QEng1Sn3(s14) 115 110 67 Ok
2 QEng1Sn4(s15) 115 110 68 Ok
2 QEng2Sn1(s16) 115 110 69 Ok
2 QEng2Sn2(s17) 115 110 68 Ok
2 QEng2Sn3(s18) 115 110 67 Ok
2 QEng2Sn4(s19) 115 110 68 Ok
2 L2Lookup(s27) 115 105 56 Ok
2 L3Lookup(s28) 120 110 63 Ok
5 Outlet1 (s1) 125 125 49 Ok
5 Outlet2 (s2) 125 125 37 Ok
5 Intake (s3) 60 42 32 Ok
5 EOBC_MAC(s4) 105 95 43 Ok
5 CPU (s5) 105 95 40 Ok
5 Crossbar(s6) 105 95 61 Ok
5 Arbiter (s7) 110 100 67 Ok
5 CTSdev1 (s8) 115 105 43 Ok