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Figure 1
*PRI only
CT1, or R2
Cisco 3600
Frame Relay
Leased Line
• Up to 30 digital modems
in a Cisco 3620
• Up to 60 digital modems in
a Cisco 3640
• Remote user applications
• PRI, BRI, CT1, and R2 support
Branch Office
• Bulletin Board
• Internet
Utilizing TACACS+, Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol/Password Authentication Protocol (CHAP/PAP), 56-bit
Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption and the built-in firewall
capabilities of the Cisco 3600 allows secure access for remote users
to sensitive company data.
Life Cycle-Focused Support Solutions
Cisco’s comprehensive support portfolio delivers solutions
that enhance the network throughout its life cycle. From design and
installation, to preventive and scheduled maintenance,to performance
optimization, Cisco’s solutions promote network reliability,
efficiency, and flexibility. Designed to function as an integral product
component, these programs deliver seamless support. Together, they
proactively help organizations sharpen their competitive edge.
Through access to the Cisco Connection Online (CCO) Web site,
customers can both use and market expanded functionality and new
features as soon asthey become available. Moreover,accessto Cisco’s
technical expertise is available around the clock and around the globe.
This virtual team of the world’s top networking engineers is equipped
to address every need from troubleshooting to network design
and planning.
Digital Modem Applications
Historically, branch office connectivity has been synonymous with
connecting the local LAN to a regional or central site. With the rapid
growth in mobile computing and telecommuting, more and more
branch offices need to add user-to-LAN capabilities.
Using ISDN PRI, ISDN BRI or Fast Ethernet/ISDN PRI, and
digital modem network modules, the Cisco 3600 provides the ideal
functionality for the branch and enterprise offices.
Figure 1 illustrates a typical application for the ISDN PRI and
digital modem network modules.
For basic telephone users, both 33.6K and 56K modem calls
can be terminated through a PRI/BRI connection into a digital
modem network module, including mobile workers and people
working from hotel rooms. For teleworkers with access to Basic
Rate Interface (BRI), the same phone number could be used to
connect to the same Cisco 3600, achieving 64 kbps non-compressed,
or with multilink PPP, 128 kbps.
Multiple backhaul options are available to link back to
a corporate network, at speeds up to 8 Mbps. Additionally, a slower
speed (T1 or Frame Relay, for example) connection could link the
branch to the World Wide Web.