Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2)
Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager
Performing a New Installation of the Cisco MGC Node Manager
q) Quit
Existing installations of any of the installation software are detected and are listed as “Already
Step 8 Enter 1 to install Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2).
The installation process begins. During installation, you are asked for various kinds of input,
summarized here:
• CiscoView Server IP address—Enter the IP address of the CiscoView server installed in Task 7. If
you are not using CiscoView, just press Enter.
• Logfile directory location—Press Enter to accept the default location /var/tmp or type another
location and press Enter.
• Logfile name—Press Enter to accept the default name CSCOcmnm.log, or type another name and
press Enter.
After checking that disk space is sufficient, the Install Package asks if you want to continue with the
Step 9 Enter y to proceed with installation. The process typically takes from 15-40 minutes depending on your
When installation is complete, this message appears:
Everything appears to be installed correctly.
Go on to verify the installation.
Note If installation is not successful, check the installation log which by default is
Verifying the Installation
Verify that Cisco MGC Node Manager and CiscoView are installed properly before starting Cisco MGC
Node Manager.
Verifying Element Managers
Step 1 Verify that the Cisco MGC Node Manager Package is installed using the following command:
pkginfo CSCOcmnm
The following message should appear:
application CSCOcmnm Cisco MGC-Node Manager(cmnm)2.5
Step 2 Verify that the Cisco MGC Node Manager Element Managers have been installed. Run the following
script to display the installed Cisco MGC Node Manager Element Managers and compare this with the
list in the table below.
Cisco EMF Basedir/bin/cmnmversion -verbose
CSCOcmnm Tool Versions