Cisco MDS 9000 Family Configuration Guide
OL-6973-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Chapter 35 Configuring iSCSI
Configuring iSCSI
show running-config show iscsi global
show running-config show iscsi initiator configured
iSCSI Immediate Data and Unsolicited Data Features
Step 2
(!@*asdsfsdfjh!@df) for all initiators.
username user1 password 0 abcd12AAA
Configures the switch user account (user1) along with a
password (abcd12AAA) specified in clear text
(indicated by 0—default) for all initiators. The password
is limited to 64 characters.
no iscsi
authentication username testuser
Removes the global configuration for all initiators.
config t
Enters configuration mode.
iscsi initiator name
Configures an iSCSI initiator using the iSCSI name of
the initiator node.
username testuser password abc123
Configures the switch user account (user1) along with a
password (abcd12AAA) specified in clear text (default).
The password is limited to 64 characters.
username user1 password 7
Configures the switch user account (user1) along with
the encrypted password (specified by 7)
username user1 password 0 abcd12AAA
Configures the switch user account (user1) along with a
password (abcd12AAA) specified in clear text
(indicated by 0—default). The password is limited to 64
mutual-chap username testuser
Removes the switch authentication configuration.