Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter10 Configuring LRE
Configuring LRE Ports
Assigning a Sequence to a Specific LRE Port
You can set sequences on a per-port basis. You can assign the same sequence or different sequences to
the LRE ports on the switch. If you assign a sequence on a port basis, it overrides any previously or
subsequently set profiles or global sequence.
The switch resets the ports with the updated sequence settings when changed.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to assign a sequence to a specific LRE port:
Use the show controllers lre status sequence details privileged EXEC command to display the LRE
link statistics and sequence information on the LRE ports. For information about these commands, refer
to the switch command reference.
Using Rate Selection to Automatically Assign Profiles
An LRE network requires a profile to be configured for each LRE port that is connected to a CPE device
(the default is LRE-10). You can use the rate selection feature to automatically choose a profile from a
set of profiles that the switch port uses to establish an LRE link (a link between an LRE switch port and
an attached CPE device).
Rate selection is enabled by default, but you must choose a sequence for rate selection to start (in other
words, there is no default sequence defined). When rate selection is running, the switch chooses the
profile for the LRE interface from a sequence, or predefined series of profiles, that are configured for
that interface. The rate-selection algorithm begins with the first profile in the sequence and successively
tries the next profiles (in descending order) until a link is established with the CPE device.
When enabled, the LRE switch executes rate selection in these scenarios:
• When the switch is booted
• When you enable the rate selection feature
• When you connect a new CPE device to the switch
• When a link is lost for 25 seconds before being restored
• When a configured sequence is modified
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
interface LRE-interface Enter interface configuration mode, and enter the number of the LRE port
to be configured.
Step 3
sequence sequence_name Enter the port sequence name (select from the list in Table 10-2).
Step 4
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5
show controllers lre status sequence Verify the change.