Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter 7 Service Class Template Manager
Functional Interaction
an SCT file, select the appropriate SCT file from the Tree panel and then press the Associate button. The
system will prompt you for a Port or Card ID. After entering the ID, press the OK button to associate
the SCT file.
SCT Deletion
The SCT manager only allows the deletion of a non-downloaded SCT file. If the SCT file has been
downloaded to the switch or node, it can only be removed or deleted using the "delsct" CLI command.
Path Label
The Path label gives the location of the selected SCT Card or Port file.
Data Panel
The Data panel displays the SCT data of associated VC parameters and CoSB parameters. These
parameters are displayed in two sub-panels: a VC panel and a CoSB panel. The VC panel contains both
VC parameters and CoSB parameters in a table format. The CoSB panel displays only CoSB parameters.
VC Panel
The VC panel is organized into a series of tab panes. Each tab represents a group of VC parameters
which categorically belong to that group. In addition, there are two tabs of which one displays all VC
parameters and the other displays all CoSB parameters. Currently, there are a total of eight tabs, and each
tab represents a group as follows:
Policy: Displays information related to management priorities for network traffic
• Service Type: The service type (i.e. CBR, VBR, ABR) to which the parameters apply.
• Service Category: The service category to which the service type belongs. All service types that
belong to the same service category should be mapped to the same Class of Service Buffer. Access:
read only. Values: 0-65535.
• Cosb Number: The Class of Service Buffer number associated with the service type. Access:
read-write. Values: 1-16.
• CAC Treatment: Connection Admission Control. The CAC algorithms that are supported are: 1)
lcnCac, 2) eCac-Model A, 3) eCac-Model B, 4) eCac-Model C, 5) eCac-Model D, 6) eCac-Model
E, 7) eCac-Model F, 8) mbBwCac. DEFVAL {2}. Access: read-write. Values: 1-256.
• UPC Enable: When a connection is added, a VPI.VCI address is assigned, and UPC parameters are
configured for the connection. For each cell in an ATM stream, the VPI.VCI addresses are verified
and each cell is checked for compliance with UPC parameters.
• UPC CLP: Usage Parameter Control- Cell Loss Priority Select. Disable GCRAs and GCRA #2 with
Packet Policing Action are used for policing packet or frame traffic. GCRA1-ENB: Enables GCRA1
only. GCRA 1&2: Enables you to turn on policing for one or both GCRA1 & GCRA2.