D14908.01 SX20 Administrator Guide (TC5.1) | 2012 FEBRUARY | © 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. www.cisco.com
Cisco TelePresence SX20 Quick Set
NOTE: This Experimental command can be used 'as is' and will not be further documented. The
Experimental settings WILL change.
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <1/2>
Example: Experimental Conference 1 Multistream Stream 1 Source: 1
NOTE: This Experimental command can be used 'as is' and will not be further documented. The
Experimental settings WILL change.
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <On/Off>
Example: Experimental Conference 1 ReceiverBasedDownspeeding: Off
NOTE: This Experimental command can be used 'as is' and will not be further documented. The
Experimental settings WILL change.
This configuration is used to enable Call Hold and Resume in the OSD. Note that Call Hold and
Resume will be available even if this setting is set to Off, if Multiway is configured.
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <Off/On>
Off: Call Hold and Resume is not available (unless Multiway is configured).
On: Call Hold/Resume is available while the system is in a call. It will be available on
softbuttons, and when receiving incoming calls the user will have the option of holding any
current calls while accepting the new call.
Example: Experimental CustomSoftbuttons HoldResume: Off
NOTE: This Experimental command can be used 'as is' and will not be further documented. The
Experimental settings WILL change.
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <NotSet/MainSource/PresentationSource/CameraPreset/Actions/
Example: Experimental CustomSoftbuttons State 1 Softbutton 1 Type: NotSet
NOTE: This Experimental command can be used 'as is' and will not be further documented. The
Experimental settings WILL change.
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <S: 0, 255>
Example: Experimental CustomSoftbuttons State 1 Softbutton 1 Value: ""
NOTE: This Experimental command can be used 'as is' and will not be further documented. The
Experimental settings WILL change.
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <On/Off>
Example: Experimental NetworkServices UPnP Mode: Off
NOTE: This Experimental command can be used 'as is' and will not be further documented. The
Experimental settings WILL change.
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <0..3600>
Example: Experimental NetworkServices UPnP Timeout: 0
NOTE: This Experimental command can be used 'as is' and will not be further documented. The
Experimental settings WILL change.
This configuration tells whether CTMS (Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch) is supported or
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <Off/On>
Off: CTMS is not supported.
On: CTMS is supported.
Example: Experimental CTMSSupport Mode: On
NOTE: This Experimental command can be used 'as is' and will not be further documented. The
Experimental settings WILL change.
Requiresuserrole: ADMIN
Valuespace: <Indicators/Full>
Example: Experimental SystemUnit MenuType: Full