52 OL-16131-01
Picking Up a Redirected Call on Your Phone
Call PickUp allows you to answer a call that is ringing on a coworker’s phone by redirecting the call
to your phone. You might use Call PickUp if you share call-handling with coworkers.
Use speed-dial
numbers to call
other numbers
(not in Phone
1. Set up speed-dial numbers from your User Options web pages.
2. To place a call, press .
3. Scroll to a speed-dial number with its label and press .
Note The Line View displays your directory numbers, followed by your speed-dial
numbers identified with . Six items (lines plus speed dials) can display.
Use Abbreviated
1. Set up Abbreviated Dialing codes from your User Options web pages.
2. To place a call, enter the Abbreviated Dialing code.
3. Choose Options > AbbrDial.
Use Fast Dial 1. Subscribe to the Fast Dial service and set up Fast Dial codes from your User
Options web pages. See
Accessing Your User Options Web Pages, page 85.
2. To place a call, choose > Fast Dial service on your phone (exact name
might vary).
3. Scroll to a listing and press .
If you want to... Then...
Answer a call that is ringing
on another extension within
your call pickup group
1. Choose Options > PickUp.
If your phone supports auto-pickup, you are now connected to
the call.
2. If the call rings on your phone, press Answer to connect to the
Answer a call that is ringing
on another extension outside
of your call pickup group
1. Choose Options > GPickUp.
2. Enter the group pickup number.
If your phone supports auto-pickup, you are now connected to
the call.
3. If the call rings, press Answer to connect to the call.
If you want to... Then...