Cisco Video Surveillance 2630 IP Dome User Guide
saturation, of video 3-20
scheduling, events 3-32
SDRAM 3-33, 3-38, 3-44
secure connection 2-16
password hardening 3-26
Security windows 3-25
PC microphone 4-4
sensor firmware version, of IP camera 3-36
serial number 3-36
Setup link, in Main window 2-15, 2-17
Setup windows 3-5
sharpness, of video 3-20
simplex 3-23
SMTP log
description 3-44
SMTP server
configuring for e-mail notification 3-28
primary 3-28
secondary 3-28
snapshot, of video image 4-4
SNMP, configuring 3-34
SNMP window
options 3-34
overview 3-34
enabling 3-24
external 1-4, 3-23
SSH, allowing access through 3-26
start time, day/night vision night schedule mode 3-22
Status windows 3-36
subnet mask, of IP camera 3-7
Syslog 3-38
Syslog & Log window
options 3-39
overview 3-38
Syslog server 3-39
system log
description 3-40
System window
options 3-36
overview 3-36
text overlay, on video 3-21
tilt, adjusting 2-17
time stamp, on video 3-21
time zone, of IP camera 3-6
trigger, for event 3-32
administrator password recovery 5-1
alerts 5-2
cannot access IP camera through browser 5-1
motion detection 5-2
Unique Device Identifier (UDI) 3-36
upgrading firmware 3-15
user name
for Administrator user type 3-13
requirements for 3-13
Users window
options 3-13
overview 3-12
user type
Administrator 3-12, 3-13
configuring 3-13
privilege level 3-13
User 3-12, 3-13
User user type
configuring 3-13
description 3-12