Cisco Video Surveillance System 2621 IP Dome User Guide
primary 3-7, 3-38
secondary 3-7, 3-38
DSCP, for QoS 3-10
dual streaming 3-16, 4-5
EAPOL window
options 3-11
overview 3-11
e-mail notification
configuring 3-28
enabling 3-33
From field 3-28
FTP server link 3-29
HTTP server 3-29
log file 3-44
primary FTP server 3-29
recipients list 3-28
secondary FTP server 3-29
Subject field 3-28
end time, day/night vision night schedule mode 3-22
actions 3-31
configuring 3-32
enabling trigger 3-32
interval before triggering 3-33
notification message 3-27
overview 3-31
scheduling 3-32
trigger types 3-32
video of 3-27
Event window
options 3-32
overview 3-31
factory default configurations, restoring 3-14
factory reset 2-28
upgrading 3-15
version in IP camera 3-15, 3-36
Firmware window
options 3-15
overview 3-15
Focus/Zoom window
options 3-25
overview 3-24
focus ring 2-8, 2-14, 2-19, 2-22
FTP log
description 3-43
FTP server
enabling uploading video file to 3-33
link to in notification e-mail 3-29
log of upload activities 3-43
primary 3-29
secondary 3-29
full duplex 3-23
gateway, for IP camera 3-7, 3-38
General purpose input/output (GPIO) port 1-4
status 3-37
half duplex 3-23
hardware version, of IP camera 3-36
Home link, in Main window 2-24, 2-26
Home window
accessing 2-25
controls in 4-3