Cisco Video Surveillance 2500 Series IP Camera User Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera
Status Windows
Syslog & Log Window
The Syslog & Log window lets you manage the IP camera log file, which captures and stores information
about the IP camera and its activities.
The IP camera captures the information that you specify and stores the log file in its internal SDRAM.
If the SDRAM becomes full, the IP camera begins to overwrite existing information. To prevent this
situation, configure the IP camera to send log information to a Syslog server and periodically clear log
information from SDRAM manually by using the Clear Log option in the Syslog & Log window.
Note The camera also maintains a video log file. For more information, see the “Video Log Window” section
on page 3-46.
To display the Syslog & Log window, access the configuration windows as described in the “Accessing
the IP Camera Windows” section on page 2-6, click Status, then click Syslog & Log.
Table 3-25 describes the options in the Syslog & Log window.
Channel Wireless channel in use.
Connection Speed Speed and type of the wireless IP camera connection to the network.
Security Security setting for wireless connections.
Table 3-24 Network Window Options (continued)
Option Description
Ta b l e 3-25 Syslog & Log Window Options
Option Description
Local Log
Minimum Log Severity Choose the minimum severity of messages that the appear in the log file. The
system logs all messages of this severity and higher. Message severities,
from highest to lowest, are:
• Emergency—The system is unusable.
• Alert—A situation occurred that requires immediate action.
• Critical—A situation occurred that requires action soon.
• Error—An error occurred, but it does not necessarily affects the ability
of the system to function.
• Warning—A undesirable condition occurred.
• Notice—Notification about a system condition that is not necessarily an
error condition.
• Informational—Information about a system activity.
• Debug—Information about a system activity with detailed technical
information. Includes messages of every other severity.
The default severity is Informational.