
Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3.0)
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
DHCP Status HTML Page
DHCP Status HTML Page
You can use the following command to check the status DHCP-related information:
where ipaddress is the IP address of the Cisco ATA.
The information you receive includes the following:
Elapsed time since most recent renewal of Cisco ATA IP address.
Elapsed time since most recent successful Cisco ATA registration.
IP address of the proxy to which the Cisco ATA is registered.
Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) Statistics Reporting
To monitor the quality of service for the media stream, you can access RTP packet statistics of the two
voice ports and their channels by opening the following page on the Cisco ATA Web server:
<Cisco ATA IP address>/rtps
The following RTP packet statistics are reported:
rxDuration—the number of seconds since the beginning of reception
rxPktCnt—the total number of RTP packets received
rxOctet—the total number of RTP payload octets received (not including RTP header)
latePktCnt—the total number of late RTP packets received
totalLostPktCnt—the total number of lost RTP packets received (not including late RTP packets)
avgJitter—an estimate of statistical variance of the RTP packet inter-arrival time, measured in
timestamp unit. (Calculation is based on the formula in RFC1889.)
txDuration—the number of seconds since the beginning of transmission
txPktCnt—the total number of RTP packets transmitted
txOctet—the total number of RTP payload octets transmitted
Using the refresh feature on the RTP Statistics page, you can obtain updated, real-time RTP statistics
during a call.
11 Decode error for configuration file (encryption related) False
12 Configuration file is processed successfully True
Table 8-5 Web Configuration Menu Example Network Status (continued)
Bit Number Description Boolean Value
0 Cisco ATA sent request for configuration file, ata<macaddress>, to
TFTP server