
Post-installation tasks 59
whether to display a cached page, or request an updated page from the server. We recommend you set the
expiration to 365 days for optimum performance.
To configure content expiration:
1. Go to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager.
2. Browse to Web Site > Default Web Site > system.
3. Right-click system and click Properties.
4. In the system Properties window, go to the HTTP Headers tab, and perform the following steps:
Select the Enable content expiration option.
Set the web site content to expire after 365 days. Click OK.
Enable content expiration
Removing extension mapping
Remove extension mapping for the temp virtual directory created by the installation program.
To remove extension mapping:
1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services.
2. Browse to Web Sites > Default web Site > temp.
3. Right-click the temp virtual directory and click Properties.
Important: You must set this option for all partitions, including the System partition.