V.110 Support for Cisco 3600 Series Digital Modems
show modem configuration
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T
S22 = 0 ARA Error Correction is disabled
S23 = 1 V.42 Error Correction enabled
S24 = 1 MNP Error Correction enabled
S25 = 0 Link Protocol Fallback to Async framing
S26 = 0 Using TDM slice 0
S27 = 0 Calling Tone disabled
S28 = 0 Guard Tone disabled
S29 = 8 V.110 modem standard
S30 = 33600 Maximum connect rate of 33600 bps
S31 = 300 Minimum connect rate of 300 bps
S32 = 2 Bit Errors >= 1:1000 cause recovery
S33 = 500 Fallback/Fallforward Squelch Timer is 500ms
S34 = 2000 Fall Forward Timer is 20.0 seconds
S35 = 50 Fall Back Timer is 0.50 seconds
S36 = 20 Terminate timeout is 20 seconds
S37 = 60 Wait 60 seconds for data mode timeout
S38 = 14 1.4 second lost carrier to hang-up delay
S39 = 7 Transmit level setting of -13dBm
S40 = 4 4 consecutive retrains cause link disconnect
S41 = 5 V.34 maximum symbol rate of 3429 baud
S42 = 0 V.34 minimum symbol rate of 2400 baud
S43 = 2 V.34 carrier frequency is Auto Selection
S44 = 11 V.34 Preemphasis filter selection is Automatic
S45 = 0 Null transmit and receive Signalling Type
S46 = 0 No call progress tone detection
S47 = 2 +++ escape detection enabled for originate mode only
S48 = 1 AT command processor enabled
S49 = 0 no call setup delay
S50 = 60000 Maximum PCM connect rate of 60000 bps
S51 = 28000 Minimum PCM connect rate of 28000 bps
S52 = 1 Digital Pad Compensation is enabled
S53 = 3 V.8bis is enabled
S57 = 2400 User rate for V.110 connection is 2400 bps
configuration index = 59, value = 0x3
Related Commands Command Description
show modem log Displays the modem history event status performed on a manageable
modem or group of modems.
show modem mica Displays information about MICA digital modems.
show modem
Displays the current modem operational status for MICA digital modems
loaded in access servers or routers.