Catalyst Switch Module 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeCenter Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Hardware Features
Mode Button
The fault/stack or stack member LEDs are selected by using the Mode button. If the mode LED for a
particular mode is solid green, that mode is currently selected, and the other mode LEDs are off (only
Catalyst Switch Module 3110G and 3110X).
To select or change a mode, use a small pointed object to press the Mode button until the desired mode
is selected.
System Power LED
The system power LED shows whether the system is receiving power and is functioning properly.
Table 1-3 lists the LED colors and their meanings.
Stack Master LED
The stack master LED shows the stack master status. Table 1-4 lists the LED colors and their meanings
(only Catalyst Switch Module 3110G and 3110X).
Table 1-3 System LED
Color System Status
Off Switch module is not powered on.
Green Switch module is operating normally.
Amber Switch module is receiving power but is not functioning properly.
Blinking green Switch module is running the power-on self-test (POST).
Table 1-4 Stack Master LED
Color Description
Off Switch module is not the stack master.
Green Switch module is the stack master or a standalone switch.
Amber An error occurred during stack master election, or another type of
stack error occurred.