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Product Positioning
Why is Cisco delivering the Cisco Catalyst 2955 Series?
The migration to Ethernet that began in the enterprise space ten years ago and has moved into the metro, wireless,
and service provider markets is now extending to other networks (manufacturing control networks, for example).
As Ethernet becomes ubiquitous and far more competitive than any other Layer 2 technology, new markets outside
the traditional enterprise wiring closet are converging on Ethernet. New markets require hardware implementations
that address the new and different environmental conditions that differ from “traditional” applications.
The Cisco Catalyst 2955 allows Cisco to provide an end-to-end solution in many new markets where a new set of
competitors is beginning to position themselves on the premise that Cisco does not have a hardened solution that
meets the new markets’ environmental, power, and form-factor requirements.
The traditional Layer 2 networks that are being replaced with Ethernet solutions have been highly reliable and secure,
but significantly limited in terms of bandwidth, interconnectivity, and standardization. By deploying intelligent
Ethernet solutions, Cisco can deliver the benefits of an Ethernet architecture with the reliability and security that are
a hard requirement in these new markets.
Why is the Cisco Catalyst 2955 the best solution?
From a technology perspective, Cisco is the only solution in the market that provides intelligent services in a
hardened platform. Most of the networks that are being replaced with Ethernet carry critical information that
cannot tolerate latency, downtime, or intrusion from unauthorized users. Multiple features of the Cisco Catalyst
architecture, including support for rapid spanning tree, IGMP snooping, storm control, and MAC address
notification are critical to establishing a deterministic, secure, and highly available network. These features are
only provided by the Cisco Catalyst product family.
From a solution’s perspective, only Cisco can provide an end-to-end solution with a common management platform,
consistent QoS policies, and a scalable architecture.
Are all ITS networks compatible with the Cisco Catalyst 2955 Series?
ITS architectures are rapidly moving to a TCP/IP infrastructure. Currently, ITS networks use several
architectures, including Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), serial, coax,
Ethernet, and wireless. The NTCIP standard has recommended TCP/IP for data structures (for more information,
see To be NCTIP-compliant, future traffic control equipment must support an IP interface.
Terminal servers are used to convert legacy serial connections to Ethernet.
Departments of transportation use the NEMA-TS2 compliance specification, which the Cisco Catalyst 2955 meets
for traffic control hardware recommendations.
Why does the Cisco Catalyst 2955 not offer a lifetime warranty like some other Cisco Catalyst products?
Given that the environments where the Cisco Catalyst 2955 can be deployed are significantly more demanding
and uncontrolled and no active cooling is feasible, the product has a five-year limited warranty. This exceeds the
traditional warranties from the equipment traditionally deployed in the factory floor and those of any significant