Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 18 Configuring SNMP
Configuring SNMP
This example shows how to assign the strings open and ieee to SNMP, to allow read-write access for
both, and to specify that open is the community string for queries on non-IEEE802dot11-MIB objects
and ieee is the community string for queries on IEEE802dot11-mib objects:
bridge(config)# snmp-server view dot11view ieee802dot11 included
bridge(config)# snmp-server community open
bridge(config)# snmp-server community ieee view ieee802dot11 rw
This example shows how to permit any SNMP manager to access all objects with read-only permission
using the community string public. The access point also sends config traps to the hosts
and using SNMPv1 and to the host using SNMPv2C. The community string
public is sent with the traps.
AP(config)# snmp-server community public
AP(config)# snmp-server enable traps config
AP(config)# snmp-server host version 2c public
AP(config)# snmp-server host version 1 public
AP(config)# snmp-server host public
This example shows how to allow read-only access for all objects to members of access list 4 that use
the comaccess community string. No other SNMP managers have access to any objects. SNMP
Authentication Failure traps are sent by SNMPv2C to the host cisco.com using the community string
AP(config)# snmp-server community comaccess ro 4
AP(config)# snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication
AP(config)# snmp-server host cisco.com version 2c public
This example shows how to send Entity MIB traps to the host cisco.com. The community string is
restricted. The first line enables the access point to send Entity MIB traps in addition to any traps
previously enabled. The second line specifies the destination of these traps and overwrites any previous
snmp-server host commands for the host cisco.com.
AP(config)# snmp-server enable traps entity
AP(config)# snmp-server host cisco.com restricted entity
This example shows how to enable the access point to send all traps to the host myhost.cisco.com using
the community string public:
AP(config)# snmp-server enable traps
AP(config)# snmp-server host myhost.cisco.com public
This example shows how to configure these SNMPv3 settings:
• a view name (iso)
• an SNMP engine ID (1234567890) that this agent uses to identify itself to the remote host at IP
• an SNMPv3 group (admin) which supports privacy encryption, and all users of the group have read
and write access to all objects defined in the iso view
• an SNMP user (joe) that belongs to the admin group, uses MD5 authentication for queries, uses
xyz123 as a password for MD5, uses DES56 data query encryption, and uses key007 as an encryption
• an SNMP user (fred) that belongs to the admin group, uses MD5 authentication for queries, uses
abc789 as an encrypted password for MD5, uses DES56 data query encryption, and uses key99 as
an encryption key
AP(config)# snmp-server view iso iso included
AP(config)# snmp-server engineID remote 1234567890
AP(config)# snmp-server group admin v3 priv