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Quick Reference Guide
Access Device (RF Receiver, Card Reader, or Keypad)
- A device that reads transmitter, card or entry codes, allowing
the system to allow or reject entry based on the code's validity.
Access Codes
- Codes that enable visitors and residents to enter a building through a controlled area. Access codes
include directory codes, entry codes, cards and transmitters. An access code is associated with a specific access device.
Directory codes are associated with the EL25 unit; entry codes with the unit keypad; cards with card readers; and
transmitters with radio frequency (RF) receivers.
- The EL25 unit may be configured to trigger an alarm (e.g., Activate a siren and/or a warning light, etc.) when
an alarm condition occurs. These conditions include a door held open too long, a door forced open, or keypad errors
that exceed the maximum allowed.
- The Anti-Passback feature prevents unauthorized use of entry codes, cards, and transmitters. When
anti-passback is enabled, an access code will be temporarily disabled after each use, thereby prohibiting people from
“passing back” their access code, card, or transmitter to unauthorized people.
Button Number
- Refers to the number assigned to each button on a multi-button transmitter. Up to 4 buttons per
Call Forwarding
- The EL25 can be programmed to “forward” a visitor call to another location when residents are away.
This feature also allows you to grant access to a visitor from a remote location.
Call Forward Control Setting
- When enabled, allows the unit to use Call Forwarding with schedules.
Call Waiting (NPBI / Single Family Residence)
- If the resident's phone is in use when the visitor presses the “Call”
key, they will hear 2 short tones to signal that a visitor is attempting to call. They may simply switch over to the call
from the visitor, let him/her in, and go back to the original call. This feature is only available for a single-family residence
or a manager's phone sharing a phone line with the EL25.
Card Type
- 26-Bit standard or 30-Bit.
- A card, PIN or Biometric .
Direct Commands (NPBI / Single Family Residence)
- You may send a direct command from your residence phone to
activate one of four relays (i.e., to open a door). This feature is only available for a single-family residence or a
manager's phone sharing a phone line with the EL25 unit.
Directory Code
- Unique 1-2 digit codes that dial a corresponding telephone number in the building. The unit will dial
the phone number assigned to the code.
Do Not Disturb (DnD)
- The EL25 has the ability to block visitor calls during specific times. Using schedules, the feature
activates and deactivates automatically.
DnD Control Setting
- When enabled the unit will enforce DnD schedule, if disabled the unit will ignore DnD schedule.
DTMF phone
- Dual Tone Multi Frequency (Touch-Tone Phone).
Entry Card
- A resident presents an entry card to a card reader to gain entry into a controlled area. A card's PIN, or
“Personal Identification Number”, is a part of the encoded information that makes a card unique.
Entry Code
- Programmable, numeric codes (3-9 digits in length) that allow entry or exit through a gate/door. Residents
enter their assigned entry code onto the unit's keypad to prompt the system to grant access.
Facility Code
- A code that allows access cards/transmitters to be associated with a facility or complex. This allows you
to manage more than one complex. You may also assign a default facility code if a group of access cards/transmitters
will share the same code.
Continued on next page
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