
What about wireless phone interference with
medical equipment?
Radiofrequency energy (RF) from wireless phones can
interact with some electronic devices. For this reason,
FDA helped develop a detailed test method to measure
electromagnetic interference (EMI) of implanted cardiac
pacemakers and defibrillators from wireless telephones.
This test method is now part of a standard sponsored by
the Association for the Advancement of Medical
instrumentation (AAMI). The final draft, a joint effort by
FDA, medical device manufacturers, and many other
groups, was completed in late 2000. This standard will
allow manufacturers to ensure that cardiac pacemakers
and defibrillators are safe from wireless phone EMI.
FDA has tested hearing aids for interference from
handheld wireless phones and helped develop a
voluntary standard sponsored by the Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). This standard specifies
test methods and performance requirements for hearing
aids and wireless phones so that that no interference
occurs when a person uses a “compatible” phone and a
“compatible” hearing aid at the same time. This standard
was approved by the IEEE in 2000.
FDA continues to monitor the use of wireless phones for
possible interactions with other medical devices. Should
harmful interference be found to occur, FDA will conduct
testing to assess the interference and work to resolve the
problem. For more information, please visit the FDA
website at http://www.fda.gov/cellphones.
Emergency calls
Never rely solely upon your wireless phone for essential
communications (e.g., medical emergencies), if it can be
avoided, since a wireless phone requires a complex
combination of radio signals, relay stations and landline
networks for its operation. Consequently, emergency
calls may not always be possible under all conditions on
all wireless phone systems. Your wireless phone,
however, may sometimes be the only available means of
communication at the scene of an accident. When
making an emergency call, always give the recipient all
necessary information as accurately as possible. Never
terminate an emergency call until you have received
clearance to do so. FCC Enhanced 911 (E911) Rules
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires
wireless carriers to transmit specific latitude and
longitude location (Automatic Location Identification =
ALI) information as well as “911” calls to Public Safety