PART 3 Data Management Functions
Using the Expense Mode
The Expense Mode lets you store expense data, including payment date,
payment amount, payment method, expense type and description. You can also
produce total for other period of time.
Before using the Expense Mode
When inputting data about the payment type and expense type in the Expense
Mode, you can use preset labels to make input quicker and easier. This means
that you should assign the text you want to the preset labels before actually using
the Expense Mode. For details on how to do this, see “To edit labels” on page 48.
About Expense Mode data items and data entries...
Each Expense Mode data item is made up of the following five data entries.
Data Entry Description
Date Year/Month/Date
Amount Numbers up to eight digits long can be input
Payment Type 9 payment types, including “AMEX,” “Cash” and others
are preset for you to choose from. These preset labels
can be edited freely.
Expense Type 6 expense types, including “Meals,” “Mileage” “Entertain-
ment” and others are preset for you to choose from.
These preset labels can be edited freely.
Description Up to 331 Characters
• You can edit the 9 Payment Type and the 6 Expense Type labels using the
procedures described on page 48.
About Expense Mode Display formats
As with the other modes, Expense Mode data can be displayed using an Index
Display or a Data Display. The following describes the contents of each type of