Part IV
Instrument-Specific System Exclusive Messages
16 Format
16.1 Message Classifications
The SysEx operation of this Instrument is basically a parameter data transfer operation. The following operations can be
performed from an external device using this parameter transfer message.
• Change of a specific Instrument parameter value
• Import of a specific Instrument parameter value
Parameters can be used for more than just device setting values. There are parameters when writing data that operate as
commands, and parameters when reading data that indicate the status of the Instrument. The following table shows the
parameter category for each type of transfer.
16.2 Basic Message Structure
System Exclusive messages that are exclusive to this Instrument are sent and received using Individual Parameter Transfer,
which gets its name from the fact that individual parameters are sent and received. A number of different messages are
provided to cover each particular operation. The field in the SysEx message that specifies the message type is the action
(act) field. The format of the "body" part of the message depends on the "act" value.
The table below shows the body format for each action of Instrument-specific system exclusive messages. An actual message
consists of the items indicated by "Y", from left to right.
Function Section Parameter Category Description
System System Commands, Instrument status
Setup Instrument basic settings
Sound Generator Patch Sound source common settings
(system effects, master settings, etc.)
Sound source part settings
(tone selection, mixing, tuning, etc.)
Tone Tone parameter, DSP settings
act SX MAN MOD dev act body (Depends on act) EOX
cat mem pset blk pkt prm idx len data img sum