Chapter 17 Technical Reference
1000 alarms are already set!
Cause: The maximum allowable
limit of 1,000 alarms are already set.
Action: Wait until some of the
existing alarms are used, or delete
alarms you do not need to make
room for new ones.
Cause: You are trying to highlight
dates for a period that spans multiple
Action: The range of dates when
specifying highlights must be within
one single year. Change your date
range specification so it is within the
same year.
All dates you select must be within the same year.
Cause: Battery power is getting
Action: Replace batteries as explained
on page 21 of this User’s Guide.
Batteries are getting weak! Replace them as instructed in the User’s Guide.
Cause: An alarm time has been
reached for secret memory area data.
Action: Enter the secret memory
area to view details about the alarm.
Check the secret memory area!
Cause: This message appears after
an operation that can affect your
time settings.
Action: Since all alarms and other
timekeeping related operations are
based on your time setting, be sure
to check it and make corrections as
necessary whenever this message
Check your home time setting and correct it if necessary!
Message Table
Cause: Some of the cells in a range
you are deleting in the Pocket Sheet
Mode contain data.
Action: Tap Yes to delete the cells
and the data they contain, or tap No
to close the dialog box without
deleting anything.
Cells in the range you are deleting contain data.
Delete them anyway?