Chapter 7 Establishing Switch Access
Avaya P460 Installation and Maintenance Guide 47
Setting Up Sideband (PPP) Connection Configuration
L You need to configure an IP address and netmask for the sideband interface
before you can establish a ppp link.
1 Connect a terminal to the Serial console port.
2 When you are prompted for a Login Name, enter the default name root.
3 When you are prompted for a password, enter the password root. You are
now in Supervisor Level.
4 At the prompt, type:
set interface ppp <ip_addr><net-mask>
with an IP address and netmask to be used by the Avaya P460 Supervisor
module to connect via its PPP interface.
L The PPP interface you configure with the set interface ppp command must be
on a different subnet from the inband and outband interfaces.
5 Set the baud rate, ppp authentication, and ppp time out required to match your
6 At the prompt, type:
set interface ppp enable
X The following is displayed:
Entering the Modem mode within 60 seconds...
Please check that the proprietary modem cable is plugged
into the console port
7 Use the DB-25 to RJ-45 connector to plug the console cable to the modem’s DB-
25 connector. Plug the other end of the cable RJ-45 connector to an
Avaya P460 Supervisor module RJ-45 port.
8 The Avaya P460 Supervisor module enters modem mode.
9 You can now dial into the switch from a remote station, and open a Telnet, ping
or SNMP management session to the PPP interface IP address.
L If you have two Supervisor modules installed, you can make a serial connection
to one SPV and configure the PPP parameters through one session and deploy
the PPP connection on the second Supervisor module.