VZ Navigator
VZ Navigator
Now you can find the address of an excellent restaurant or the nearest
ATM. Check movie times. Discover the latest hot spots. And know
exactly how to get where you are going. VZ Navigator puts all the
advanced features of the latest GPS devices and systems on your
phone — at a fraction of the price.
• To use VZ Navigator, check the VZW Location Services option
of Location access to enable the GPS function. See “Location
access” on page 224.
• You must subscribe to the service, and will cost 2-3MB of data to
download this application.
• The service is only available in National Enhanced Services
Coverage Area.
• Accuracy and completeness of information is not guaranteed.
• Information about the location of your phone will be used to deliver
• For more information about VZ Navigator, visit
Opening VZ Navigator
1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen.
2. Tap the VZ Navigator icon .
VZ Navigator opens.