When “Hist” (Histogram) is selected as the Graph Type:
• Hist Area (Specifies the fill color of a histogram.)
Settings are the same as those for Pie Area.
• Hist Border (Specifies the border line color of a histogram.)
Settings are the same as those for Pie Border.
• The Hist Border setting is always “Link” whenever anything other than “Off” is selected for
the Color Link setting.
When “MedBox” (med-box graph) is selected as the Graph Type:
• Outliers (outliers specification)
• { On } / { Off } ... {display}/{do not display} Med-Box outliers
minX Q1 Med Q3 maxX Outlier(s)
• Box (Specifies the border line color of the box enclosed by Q1 through Q3, and the
Med line color.)
• {Black}/{Blue}/{Red}/{Magenta}/{Green}/{Cyan}/{Yellow} ... Specifies a single color for the
border line.
• Whisker (Specifies the whisker color from the box ends to minX and maxX.)
Settings are the same as those for Box.
• Out Color (Specifies the outliers color.)
Settings are the same as those for Box.
• Box Inside (Specifies the fill color of the box enclosed by Q1 through Q3.)
Settings are basically the same as those for Pie Area, except for the following differences.
• When “Auto” is selected for the Area Color setting, blue is the fill color of the box from Q1 to
Med, and yellow is the fill color of the box from Med to Q3.
When “Bar” (bar graph) is selected as the Graph Type:
• Data1 (first stick data list)
• { LIST } ... {List 1 to 26}
• Data2 (second stick data list)/Data3 (third stick data list)
• { None } / { LIST } ... {none}/{List 1 to 26}
• Stick Style (stick style specification)
• { Length } / { Horz } ... {length}/{horizontal}