Calculation Result Output Example
Line 1 (A) .................... Factor A df value, SS value, MS value, F value, p-value
Line 2 (ERR) ............... Error df value, SS value, MS value
Tw o-Way ANOVA
Line 1 (A) .................... Factor A df value, SS value, MS value, F value, p-value
Line 2 (B) .................... Factor B df value, SS value, MS value, F value, p-value
Line 3 (AB) .................. Factor A × Factor B df value, SS value, MS value, F value,
*Line 3 does not appear when there is only one observation
in each cell.
Line 4 (ERR) ............... Error df value, SS value, MS value
F.................................. F value
p .................................. p-value
df ................................. degrees of freedom
SS ................................ sum of squares
MS............................... mean squares
With Two-Way ANOVA, you can draw Interaction Plot graphs. The number of graphs depends
on Factor B, while the number of X-axis data depends on the Factor A. The Y-axis is the average
value of each category.
You can use the following graph analysis function after drawing a graph.
• 1(TRACE) ... Trace function
Pressing d or e moves the pointer on the graph in the corresponding direction. When there
are multiple graphs, you can move between graphs by pressing f and c.
Press i to clear the pointer from the display.
# Graphing is available with Two-Way ANOVA
only. V-Window settings are performed
automatically, regardless of SET UP screen
# Using the TRACE function automatically
stores the number of conditions to alpha
variable A and the mean value to variable M,
Tests (TEST)