MEMO Screen
• The following describes the meaning of the MEMO screen display items.
PRD ... number of days from d1 to d2
N......... number of coupon payments between settlement date and maturity date
A......... accrued days
B......... number of days from settlement date until next coupon payment date (D−A)
D ........ number of days in coupon period where settlement occurs
• Each press of U while the MEMO screen is displayed cycles the Coupon Payment Day
(CPD) display sequentially from the redemption year up to the purchase year. This is true
only when the “Date Mode” setting on the “Setup” screen is “365”.
11. Financial Calculations Using Functions
• The following operations cannot be performed on the fx-7400Gɉ.
You can use special functions in the RUN•MAT mode or PRGM mode to perform calculations
that are the same as the TVM mode financial calculations.
Example To calculate the total interest and principal paid for a 2-year (730-day)
$300 loan at a simple annual interest rate of 5%. Use a Date Mode
setting of 365.
1. From the Main Menu, enter the RUN•MAT mode.
2. Press the keys as follows.
• Use the TVM mode Setup screen (K(SET UP)) to change the Date Mode setting.
You also can use special commands (DateMode365, DateMode360) in the PRGM mode to
change the setting.
• For details about what you can do with the financial calculation functions and their syntax,
see “Performing Financial Calculations in a Program” (page 8-35).