8. Press w, and then input a memory number from 1 to 99.
• This saves the custom probe setup and returns to the custom probe list.
k Zero Adjusting a Custom Probe
This procedure zero adjusts a custom probe and sets its intercept value based on an actual
sample using the applicable custom probe.
u To zero adjust a custom probe
1. Connect the calculator and EA-200, and connect the custom probe you want to zero
adjust to CH1 of the EA-200.
2. What you should do first depends on whether you are configuring a new custom probe for
zero adjusting, or editing the configuration of an existing custom probe.
If you are configuring a new custom probe:
• Perform steps 1 through 6 of the procedure under “To configure a custom probe setup”
on page 4-1.
• Auto calibrate will automatically set the intercept, so you do not need to specify it in step
6 of the above procedure.
If you are editing the configuration of an existing custom probe:
• Perform steps 1 through 3 of the procedure under “To edit a custom probe setup” on
page 4-6.
3. Press 3(ZERO).
• This will start the sampling operation with the sensor connected to EA-200’s CH1, and
then display a screen like the one shown below.
Using a Custom Probe