•Norm: Selecting one of the two available settings (Norm1, Norm2)
determines the range in which results will be displayed in non-
exponential format. Outside the specified range, results are
displayed using exponential format.
Norm1: 10
> x, x > 10
Norm2: 10
> x, x > 10
Example: 1 ÷ 200 = 5 × 10
0.005 (Norm2)
Specifying the Fraction Display Format
To specify this fraction
Perform this key operation:
display format:
Mixed 1Nc1(ab/c)
Improper 1Nc2(d/c)
Specifying the Complex Number Display Format
To specify this complex
number format:
Perform this key operation:
Rectangular Coordinates 1Nc3(CMPLX)1(a+bi)
Polar Coordinates 1Nc3(CMPLX)2(r∠
Specifying the Statistical Display Format
Use the following procedure to turn display of the frequency (FREQ)
column of the STAT Mode STAT editor screen on or off.
To specify this: Perform this key operation:
Show FREQ Column 1Nc4(STAT)1(ON)
Hide FREQ Column 1Nc4(STAT)2(OFF)
Specifying the Decimal Point Display Format
To specify this decimal
Perform this key operation:
point display format:
Dot (.) 1Nc5(Disp)1(Dot)
Comma (,) 1Nc5(Disp)2(Comma)
• The setting you configure here is applied for calculation results
only. The decimal point for input values is always a dot (.).