Using Menus
Some of the calculator’s operations are performed using menus. Pressing
N or w, for example, will display a menu of applicable functions.
The following are the operations you should use to navigate between
• You can select a menu item by pressing the number key that corresponds
to the number to its left on the menu screen.
• The $ indicator in the upper right corner of a menu means there is another
menu below the current one. The ` indicator means another menu above.
Use c and f to switch between menus.
• To close a menu without selecting anything, press A.
Specifying the Calculation Mode
When you want to perform this type of
Perform this key
General calculations
Statistical and regression calculations
Generate a number table based on one or
two functions
Note: The initial default calculation mode is the COMP Mode.
Configuring the Calculator Setup
First perform the following key operation to display the setup menu:
1N(SETUP). Next, use c and f and the number keys to configure
the settings you want.
Underlined ( ___ ) settings are initial defaults.
1MthIO 2LineIO Specifies the display format.
Natural Display (MthIO) causes fractions,
irrational numbers, and other expressions to be
displayed as they are written on paper.
MthIO: Selects MathO or LineO. MathO displays
input and calculation results using the same format as they are written on
paper. LineO displays input the same way as MathO, but calculation results
are displayed in linear format.
Linear Display (LineIO) causes fractions and
other expressions to be displayed in a single line.
Note: • The calculator switches to Linear Display automatically whenever
you enter the STAT Mode. • In this manual, the B symbol next to a
sample operation indicates Natural Display (MathO), while the b symbol
indicates Linear Display.
3Deg 4Rad 5Gra Specifies degrees, radians or grads as the angle
unit for value input and calculation result display.
Note: In this manual, the v symbol next to a sample operation indicates
degrees, while the V symbol indicates radians.